October 22, 2024
Austin, Texas, USA
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Construction Material Testing- What Are Two Types Of Testing?

Construction Material Testing

Construction work is not as easy as it seems to many people; there are a lot of factors that determine the future of architecture. Everything demands attention, from the location chosen to build it to the material used in the construction. In addition, the material that is being used has to go through a quality check out to ensure that it will last long.

To test the material used, there is a technique called construction material testing that is used to determine the quality of the raw material. The testing is not done through a single process; there are a lot of steps done in the testing to make sure that the material that is being used is of good quality. First, the raw material has to go through a physical inspection, and then it is tested in the Material Testing Laboratory.

What Is It Meant By CMT Or Construction Material Testing?

In any construction project, be it new, ongoing, or the one that is under repair, there is a requirement of raw material. The whole construction and building industry cannot thrive without good raw material, thus making it a necessity for the material chosen to be good. To determine the quality of material used in the process, the material goes through a test known as construction material testing. This testing is necessary to ensure that the material is safe and can last long.

CMT or better known as construction material technique, has been associated with the construction industry since its beginning. Even in the previous days, when technology was not so developed, masons or builders made sure that the material that was being used could last longer. Though over time, there are lots of types of equipment are being used, the purpose of testing is still the same.

The Two Type Of Testing Under CMT

The testing of material has to be done very precisely; thus, there are two ways through which it is done. Though depending upon the type of construction, the material differs, and so do their testing techniques. Generally, there are two types of testing involved- field testing and laboratory testing for almost all types of materials.

  1. Testing Done In The Fields

Now, this type of testing is what it says, testing done in the field or commonly called field testing. This testing is done by the professionals while being at the site of construction. This is really common for construction sites as airports, roadways, the development of a building or any other utility project.

The field checking is done in only one stage that is here the materials have to go through only one testing. Here the following things regarding a material are determined.

  1. The measurement of the consistency of the concrete or unusually called slump.
  2. The time taken by the material, such as concrete, to set up.
  3. The temperature at which the specimen freezes.
  4. The strength of the specimen.
  5. The chances of it getting damaged during transportation.
  6. Finally, the breakage test that is how prone it is to breaking under pressure.

This is different from laboratory testing as the quality is checked after reaching the site, and then inspection begins.

  1. Testing Done In Material Testing Laboratory

This type of testing is basically done in the laboratory under the supervision of a professional to check as well as maintain the quality of the specimen. After inspection, the material is sent back to the client with a report on whether the material meets the standard or not. Material Testing Laboratory does the following testing.

  1. Soil Testing– the texture, permeability, density, characteristics, the moisture retention properties of the soil are determined under this test.
  2. Rock And Aggregate Testing– the relative density, durability, bulk density etc., of the rocks, are determined by this test.
  3. Concrete Testing– concrete has to go through two testings, one at the field and the second at the Material Testing Laboratory. In the lab, the concrete goes through the same procedure again but more accurately.
  4. Asphalt Testing– the specific gravity and the checking of asphalt content are determined under this testing.

The lab testing is a two-stage process; this is done to ensure the material used is of superior quality. The material must be strong enough to withstand extreme conditions to ensure durability. For the testing, numerous types of equipment and machinery are there in the lab. The lab is responsible for the qualitative analysis of the raw material used in the projects.

The Final Words

CMT is not only a technique that can be used to determine the quality of the material, but it also helps you to understand how long the architecture is going to last. This can also help you understand what measurements should be taken for the maintenance of the building. Thus, letting the material go through the CMT can be the best decision that one could take for the future of the building.

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